Organizational Model D.LGS. 231/01
Legislative Decree 231/01 introduced the administrative liability of the Companies for a series of crimes - so-called predicate crimes - committed in their interest or to the advantage of persons who are functionally linked to them.
The Decree provides for the applicability to companies of administrative sanctions - pecuniary sanctions, disqualification sanctions, confiscation or publication of the sentence - which may have serious repercussions on the conduct of corporate activities.
The provisions of Legislative Decree 231/01 exclude the administrative liability of the Company in the event that, prior to the commission of the crime, it has adopted and effectively implemented an Organization, Management and Control Model suitable for preventing the commission of crimes of this type. of that which has occurred and has entrusted the task of supervising its functioning and its observance to a Supervisory Body.
To this end, the Board of Directors of MIRI SpA has adopted - after analyzing the entire corporate organizational structure and its internal control system - its own Organization, Management and Control Model binding for all subjects who, for various reasons, entertain professional relationships with the Company. Furthermore, as required by Legislative Decree 231/01, the same Company has its own Supervisory Body with a control function on the aforementioned Models. The adoption of the Organizational Models and the establishment of the Supervisory Bodies respond to the Company's need to always strive for its own improvement, in such a way as to implement its own structured system suitable for preventing the risk of any form of irregularity occurring in the carrying out its activities, thus limiting the risk of committing crimes and guaranteeing the correctness and transparency of its activities.